
Code of Business Ethics & Conduct

The Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (the “Code”) reflects the commitment of MPS Staffing and its subsidiaries to conduct itself and operate its businesses in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and the highest ethical standards of fairness, honesty, and common sense. Our employees are expected to adhere to the principles and procedures set out in this Code that applies to them.

Personal Conflicts of Interest

A “personal conflict of interest” exists if an employee’s individual private interests improperly interfere with the interests of MPS and its subsidiaries. Personal conflicts of interest are prohibited unless they are approved by MPS. Our employees may never use or attempt to use their position to obtain any improper benefit, whether personally, for family, or for any other person or entity, from any other person or entity.

Service to MPS should never be subordinated to personal gain and advantage. Conflicts of interest, and the appearance thereof, should to the maximum extent possible, be avoided. The following items have been deemed conflicts of interest for MPS field staff and are prohibited. This is not an all inclusive list.

  • Receiving gifts from vendors other than perishable items
  • Accepting cash or cash equivalents from a patient, resident, or a member of their family
  • Staffing same Client Facility through multiple Agencies
  • Performing services for another employer while being compensated by MPS


Any employee who is aware of a material transaction or relationship that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a conflict of interest or the appearance thereof should discuss the matter promptly with a Compliance contact. In the event a potential conflict arises all parties will be notified including vendors, clients, etc. MPS will monitor conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of interest as needed and at least anually. Any report of a conflict of interest will be investigated, documented, and a follow up will be done according to the disciplinary action policy.

Important Forms

Website Links

We have provided links to several websites that you may find helpful.